Distance: 15KM
Estimated Time To Complete: 1 hour
Route Profile: Flat
Road Quality: Good Roads
Traffic Level: High traffic on main roads. No automobile traffic inside Cubbon Park (Mon-Sat/5-8AM, Sun/Full Day)

Strava Route Link: www.strava.com/routes/14228331

The route provided start from Jayanagar. But, since Cubbon park is right at the center of the city, it is pretty close to almost all localities in Bangalore.

Route Start Point: BUMSONTHESADDLE Jayanagar
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Cubbon Park gives lungs to this overcrowded Bangalore city.

The tree density and amount of fresh air isn’t matched anywhere else inside the city, other than Lalbagh. Definitely, a no-brainer to get your cardiovascular system active amongst all this greenery and fresh air to get that much-needed dose of clean fresh air.

The park is open to the public throughout the day but is closed to road traffic from 5-8AM in the morning. An ideal place for an easy, chilled out ride, if you ask me.

On Sundays, the roads are completely closed to road traffic. If you’re looking to get into/back into cycling, Cubbon park on Sundays is a great place to start. The greenery with the lack of vehicles will surely get your bike riding confidence up in no time.


Keen to learn how to ride a bicycle? We have the Bangalore Cycling School driven by Dr. Ali Poonawala and his team who teach people of all ages how to ride bicycles in Cubbon park on Sunday mornings (8-10AM).

Bangalore Bicycling School - learn how to ride a bicycle

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