I started riding when I was a kid and used my bike for commuting to school and then later to college. Lost touch with cycling for a few years in between and then started riding again about 5 years ago. I started riding longer distances with a bunch of friends.

I got really into it, bought my road bike last year and wanted to get the feel of the cycling scene in Bangalore. I was going through a few websites, came across the BUMSONTHESADDLE Ride Leadership Program.
I joined the Century ride which was happening over a weekend. The route was the famed Savandurga100 route – known for the fantastic roads and killer climbs. I was amazed at the sheer number of people who had turned up for it. I was trying to keep up with the fast group throughout the ride, asking the riders for tips and tricks for endurance riding.
Since then, I have been trying to improve my riding skills by interacting with the experienced riders and passing along whatever I have learned to the new riders who join the weekend rides on some of the best routes in the city. It’s been really fun and cycling has become a major part of my life ever since. It’s given me enough confidence to participate and compete in the local brevets events in the city.
Local riding opportunities are the best way to create a culture and lifestyle of cycling in our cities. We’ve experimented with this for over a decade and have put together a simple Ride Leadership program to help grow cycling in Bangalore.

I’m an avid mountain biker and I like riding fast and flowy singletrack. As I keep riding, I continuously work on honing my riding skills. I like to ride whenever possible, especially with friends. I also like to influence folk into getting to ride more often.
Working on bicycles has also been a keen interest of mine for quite some time.
DISCIPLINE: Mountain biking and Road biking
CURRENT BIKE: Merida One Twenty 9.600 & Specialized Allez Elite DSW
DREAM BIKE: Santa Cruz 5010