A nice writeup on BUMSONTHESADDLE, the inception and our effort in getting more people on bike via our shop rides as a part of the club culture column on the Deccan Herald.
Thanks guys!
The BOTSWOMEN riders and the Tarmac Chronicles. Looking good!
They thought of cycling to their offices instead of using their motor bikes. “I used to ride my motorbike from Jayanagar to Indiranagar everyday, which took me more than an hour one way, and it was extremely frustrating. A colleague of mine suggested that I ride a bicycle to work and my life changed after that. It’s so much more convenient, easier and stress-free compared to what I had to go through otherwise,” Rohan says.
This thought led to the two engineers to start ‘BumsOnTheSaddle’ (BOTS) which is a cycling club as well as a retail store. As a group, they want to encourage more people to take up the eco-friendly transport which not only helps in their well-being but also the planet. “It was very important for us to start a retail store as well because the equipment you need for cycling are as expensive as the other transport gears. We wanted to educate people about what they were getting into and how they can improve their riding skills,” Rohan adds.
– read more on the online version

I love riding my bike. Whether it’s a simple commute, a high-intensity road race, a jaw-grinding brevet, fixie rides thru packed Indian city or a kick-ass technical single track – I love it all. Apart from riding bicycles, I love being all geeky and know everything there is to know about bicycles, technology, bike fit, and service.
I started BUMSONTHESADDLE to share this passion for cycling.
DISCIPLINE: Partial towards MOUNTAIN BIKING but love it all
CURRENT BIKE(S): Specialized Rockhopper, Specialized Tarmac, Pure Cycles Original
DREAM BIKE: S-Works Epic HT & S-Work Roubaix
OTHER PASSIONS: Technology, Photography, Baking, Travel, and Reading