Big group of riders ( more photos of the ride )
A really nice ride with lots of people (19 of us) . Heartening to see so many BumsOnTheSaddle customers out on their bikes.
We started from Family Mart at 6:40am. Rode on, on Kanakpura road till Kagglipura which should be around 16Km on road. There we took a left and did some off roading till the Bannerghatta National park entrance. From there we got back onto a metaled road and rode back to the city, another 15 Km.
- Total distance – 45Km
- Total riding time – 2Hrs 9mins
- Max Speed – 51kmph
- Avg Speed – 21Kmph
There was a run planned after the ride. We secured the bikes and ran for 1Hr 15mins (a distance of 10km). 7 from the 19 opted to do the run, the rest decided to rough it out by having breakfast :)
All in all a fantastic experience.
Snaps from the ride -> here (thanks to Abhi and Gauthaman)
[updated with some pics from Raghuram]
Some more ride reports from Abhi and Gautham

I love riding my bike. Whether it’s a simple commute, a high-intensity road race, a jaw-grinding brevet, fixie rides thru packed Indian city or a kick-ass technical single track – I love it all. Apart from riding bicycles, I love being all geeky and know everything there is to know about bicycles, technology, bike fit, and service.
I started BUMSONTHESADDLE to share this passion for cycling.
DISCIPLINE: Partial towards MOUNTAIN BIKING but love it all
CURRENT BIKE(S): Specialized Rockhopper, Specialized Tarmac, Pure Cycles Original
DREAM BIKE: S-Works Epic HT & S-Work Roubaix
OTHER PASSIONS: Technology, Photography, Baking, Travel, and Reading