[ Warning – Guest content. All views might sound more professional than normal ]
Dheeraj Reddy
About me:
My name is Dheeraj Reddy, 21 years old. I’m mostly harmless except on days ending with ‘y’. I’m a Banglorean, at least for 15.231897 years now. Work at ThoughtWorks’s new division Studios .
I’ve always loved bikes, right from 1991 when I learnt to cycle, till date. I used to cycle to school from my 6th grade (1996) onwards till my 11th. This is when the hormones kicked in and I traded my bi-cycle for an annoying Kinetic Honda!!!! Soon, I had to get a real bike, and after days of arguing with dad, got myself a Royal Enfield Thunderbird, and I still love the bike. But then came along Bangalore traffic! Can’t get anywhere without road rage, jams, annoying idiots on the road, and some very merry taxi drivers mixed with namma bengalooru auto drivers. It was so bad I might as well have used a bi-cycle to commute; it’d probably take lesser time!!!! flash, wait, that is exactly what I should be doing.
I stay in Taverekere (near Dairy Circle), and my work is at Diamond District (Airport Road), a distance of 17kms round-trip. Could I do it? Well I had to try it, so I contacted the cycle man in the office Rohan Kini, and asked if he had a bike I could borrow. Turns out he had a spare bike, a Hero Thunder (note the irony….no!…. I have an Enfield Thunderbird!!), so I took it, to try biking to office. It wasn’t half as hard as I thought it would be, the brakes can be an issue sometimes, but I

I love riding my bike. Whether it’s a simple commute, a high-intensity road race, a jaw-grinding brevet, fixie rides thru packed Indian city or a kick-ass technical single track – I love it all. Apart from riding bicycles, I love being all geeky and know everything there is to know about bicycles, technology, bike fit, and service.
I started BUMSONTHESADDLE to share this passion for cycling.
DISCIPLINE: Partial towards MOUNTAIN BIKING but love it all
CURRENT BIKE(S): Specialized Rockhopper, Specialized Tarmac, Pure Cycles Original
DREAM BIKE: S-Works Epic HT & S-Work Roubaix
OTHER PASSIONS: Technology, Photography, Baking, Travel, and Reading